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How to eliminate fridge odors

Refrigerators are a blessing in the kitchen. It helps with storing and keeping food fresh. We are always reminded of it if there is a power cut, or a unit malfunction, causing food to become unsafe for consumption.

The odors in the fridge and freezer develop over time, which becomes difficult to remove.

If food is spoiled in the refrigerator and odors from the food remain, it might become difficult to remove. The following steps might help deodorize your refrigerator.

  • Dispose of any spoiled or questionable food in the garbage bags.
  • Remove all the partitions and trays inside the unit. Wash them well with hot water and detergent, and rinse them with a sanitizing solution. (1 spoon of unscented liquid chlorine bleach per gallon of water)
  • Clean and wash the interior of the refrigerator, including the doors and door seals. Rinse it with a sanitizing solution as well.
  • Leave the door open for a day or two to air it out.

The important thing to remember – Unplug the appliance before cleaning it out. While airing the refrigerator, keep the appliance unplugged.

Once your refrigerator is dry, you can reassemble the trays and partitions. You can restock the fridge as per your convenience, but don’t forget these tips to reduce the fridge’s odors.

  • Baking Soda: Keeping a open box of baking soda can help eliminating the fridge odors.
  • Coffee Grounds: Speak freshly ground coffee in a baking sheet and keep it inside overnight.
  • Vanilla: Soak a cotton ball in vanilla essence or any essential oil and place it in the fridge for  hours.
  • Lemon Juice: Wipe down the insides of the fridge with warm water and lemon juice mixture.
  • Air filter: Replacing the air filter can also help with fridge odors. Don’t forget to replace it at regular intervals.
  • Commercial Product: A fridge deodorizer is available at any local hardware store.

Why does my fridge still smell bad?

It depends on how strong the odor is, it may take a few weeks or months for the penetrating odor to go away.

If it is still the issue, it might be better to shop for a new refrigerator. Make sure to discard the used appliance safely, if that’s the case.

How do I keep my fridge smelling fresh?

It is a good practice to regularly clean and maintain your refrigerator for it to run for a long time. Below are some tips which can help with regular maintenance:

  • Discard any rotten or spoiled food.
  • Keep all the food sealed tightly.
  • Clean the spills in the fridge immediately.
  • Replace the air filter at regular intervals.
  • Keep your refrigerator at a correct temperature to avoid prematurely spoiling your food.

Fridge maintainance is a good practice to keep your fridge working for a long time. But, should you need any assistance, don’t hesitate to contact Tokiso Enterprises, your most trusted professional helper. We are always here to provide you the best services, while keeping it pocket friendly.